Father's Gone Hunting
As a child I always looked forward to my father going deer hunting because it meant that I'd get to sleep with my Mom. There were four of us children but I was the lucky one who was given the honor of sleeping with Mama. She said she liked sleeping with me because I kept still when I slept and I was the best goochier [her term for cuddling]. When we would get into bed she'd say, "scoot over here, honey and let's goochie up." She would wrap her arms around me and I could feel her smell my hair and sigh. There was no better feeling in the world to my little girl's heart.
cold winter night
wrapped in
warmth and love
cold winter night
wrapped in
warmth and love
hehe. i couldn't stay still. i used to whine that my mom wouldn't let me sleep in her bed, but i tossed and turned so much, that it drove her NUTS.
and of course, the worse thing for me was knowing i HAD to stay still...
ha ha For me staying still was worth it. It was the only time Mom picked me over my older brother.
Beautiful memories, sound so familiar :)
Happy New Year and nice gooching:)
Thank you, Ricardas...those are wonderful memories. So good to see you....I thought maybe you were frozen in and so was your computer...ha ha.
One of my favorite memories from the early days was visiting my grandparents farm in Comanche, Texas.
They had a huge featherbed that, when I ran and jumped into it, covered me up and hid me from the world.
Jack, I had the same experience when we'd go visit my great-grandmother in Kosse. Her sheets always smelled like sunshine to me and that feather mattress was heaven.
Thanks for stopping by.
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